Sometimes it is tough to do what you know God has you doing. It seems that so many other people think you should be doing something you are not. And what you are doing doesn't suit many people. I have tried so often to get a job doing something besides making flower arrangements. I have been treated like I was unintelligent, because I was a floral designer. I sometimes wonder what my life would have been like if I had gone on to college and used my 4.2 grade average, and done what all my years of advanced education had me on track to do. Life didn't turn out the way I planned it. Money was the biggest culprit, but love was also a reason why I changed my direction. So why don't I believe I should feel like a failure when here I am again, wondering what God is doing in my life now. It certainly isn't what I planned, and it isn't what everyone else thinks I should be doing. However, I am sure I am where God put me.
And I look back to someone else who God put in a place that took way too long to suit other people, who was doing something that made no sense to anyone, that didn't pay up front, and purhaps never in money. That someone made a great big boat, and his name was Noah. Noah knew how to make the most important Boat ever made. So Noah was being who God made him to be, in the place God put him. Out of a job so to speak for a very long time.
I am an artist. I have been an artist for all my life and God has put me in a place that I must be an artist and learn to be better at it.
Now, my work will never save lives or be the best there ever was, but it will be true to who I am and where God put me for now. So I am waiting on the Lord, but not waiting without being who I am. It is all I know to do.
There are a lot of people around me who are in a place where God has suddenly put them. It is not where they want to be. I see sickness, pain, loss, and so much more in all the lives of my friends. Their families are hurting.
Noah asked anyone who would to come in to the safety of the Ark. All we can do sometimes is ride out the storm, and it will often be strong enough to wash our world away. So, what else is there to do but remember Noah, and God's promises to us. I really feel as if I have been through the roughest part of my storm, for now, and I am like Noah standing on the deck of his ship, letting the doves out to see if the water has receded. That too is a place to be when God wants you to be there. Can you imagine what it would have been like for Noah's family if they had tried to leave the ark too soon?
I pray for my friends and thier families, Lord, for some await the storm, some are in thier storm, and some await the day when you will allow them again onto dry land. Let them all know they are where you want them to be. And for any who are building their future, give them strength to complete the task before the storms come. Amen
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