The Garden

The Lenten Rose
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Thank you Lord, for every beautiful bloom, which brightens my day, and reminds of You returning to the Olive Garden to Pray.  The mountain of Olive trees, must have been beautiful in season, but it's symbolism is even more so.  A place on the mountain symbolizes abundance, sustenance, and escape from the world.  It is a place of privacy, and intimacy with the father.  A place of learning, and a place of teaching. The disciples never really learned to pray the way you did until you left them the Holy Spirit. But the Garden is a place of communication, desire and Holiness. Thank you Lord for the diversity and color, the assurance of life's renewal and sustainability.  Bless my Garden, and may it bless any who come here to view. AMEN

Lilac, first yr with multiple blooms!

mini Pansies, need to look at the plant stake
and see what they actually call them

Lobelia in deck rail basket.

Hyacinths prepotted,  I will do this again.

Zigzag Spiderwart, early bloom

Peach Azealea and Varigated Hosta


Note: Lowering PH means adding acid to the soil, which can be overdone. Acid can be added with coffee grounds, and pine needles.  Also by buying and acidifier. Good for Blueberries. Not needed with Blackberries and Rhasberries.

Cyclemen with Fuchsia
In 2010 my flowers were blooming in May,
In 2012, they were bloomed completely out by the end
of April.  Very early spring !
In 2017 frost killed back the bloom entirely, and they
bloomed only a little in fall just as frosts once more

This unusual bloom was growing in Mama's Garden. It was
 several years before I discovered the same on my  clematis some time after
the blooms had faded away.
Zinnias are doing well in the sun.  Want more.
In years to  come, Zinnias are a staple in the hot sun.

Actually the correct color of these Iris, and I have added
a yellow one as well. I thought I planted Heather's orange in
that spot, so I have wondered if he soil decides their color,
as with Hydrangea.
Fuchsia ~ Dancing color
Peony in front of Aunt Birdie's Old House, Burnsville, NC