Scripture Pages for Ryder and His Friends

A child's prayer (humor)
Lord, forgive me for all the bad things I did today,
and all the bad things I thought of
but didn't do.
Learn a verse by using one of Ryder's Scripture Pages

Click on a picture below and it will be enlarged.
If you wish to print it so you can make a book
which your child can experience hands on,
print them to a heavy or photo paper.
Right Click and use the "Save Picture As"
feature to save it to a file on your computer,
or it will only partially print. For best color use the
"best photo" selection on your printers print preferences. 
Cover with page sleeves and connect the pages
with large key rings, or clip into a notebook.
These are done in a childlike fashion,
with lots of color, just for Kids.

Baby Bug is a series of Art based for Childen to find the Baby Bug
as an activity, on a card, poster, calendar, etc. Interactive art.
A point can be made while helping your child find one
of the baby bugs, that there are things in this world that we 
don't always see. Like wind and tiny bugs. But just because
we don't see them, doesn't mean that they don't exist. 
God is like that. You can't see wind, you just see what wind can do.
You don't see germs, but you know when they make you sick.
You don't hear a dog whistle, but the dogs do and come running.
Help your child hide like Baby Bug, with only the tiniest part
 sticking out, like a shoestring, or bill of a cap. Take a picture,
and show them how even though you couldn't see them,
you knew they were there.
 Because there was something that gave you a clue.
And you had faith they they were really there, not gone.
Use these pictures to help your child find Baby Bugs,
and ask them to think of something that or someone who
 they know is there even though they cannot see it or them right now.
Grandma is a good answer for example.
Have fun!!


*Playlist 4 Kids*

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