Friday, March 16, 2012

A Garden of Good Things

 The Garden is all about Rebirth, Renewal, Regeneration. The Cross is merely a picture of the same. It is most appropraiate that we celebrate Easter in the spring, because Christ's death, buriel and resurrection speak loudly to the way God created life to go on. When Christ arose, people didn't immediately recognize him in his new form. He had to convince them of his presence.  He said, "I have not yet come into my glory." He was like the new growth emerging from the ground. If we know a plant well, we will recognize it if we look closely as it emerges from the earth. But we would not recognize it as well as if it were in full bloom. In the days to come these hiacinths will become splendid in their full color and form. For now, it is not so easy to know them.  Jesus had yet to return to His Father, which would be the real glory for him. His work was complete only when he returned to stand at the right hand of the Father, and take his position in Glory. He would not be "in full bloom" before he stood on the golden foundations of Heaven.
Nothing in the Biblecal stories is idle talk.  We sometimes don't immediately recognize the true reason why a certain part of a story is included in the whole of the story, until we see the picture God is painting for us.  Jesus prayed in a garden for a reason. It was to set the stage for a "type" or image of a spiritual principle.  One of the priniples of life was repeatedly used by Jesus in his teachings. It was the cylce of plants across the seasons. Over and over he referenced some element of that cycle to make a point. He was trying to help us understand that there were comparisons to be made between the birth, life, death and resurrection and ascenssion of his existance on earth to the growth cycle.  And his whole point would be that he came to give new life - a promise of rising from whatever has taken you to your lowest place, has buried you by the effects of sin, is only the earth from which you will rise to newness. 
I am so thankful for the picture, and I belive that baptism should reflect that image as well. It is why I believe in full emersion baptism. 
Lord thank you for painting the pictures, and giving us "types" like fingerprints to be able to identify the truth. Thank you for new llife. Bless us today with your regenerating power. Loving you with all my heart. AMEN

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