Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Prayer Garden

I always wanted a prayer garden.  A place where I could tuck myself away amidst flowers and vines, down a path away from people and work, to where I could be inspired by God's beautiful things to comune with just Him.  In a way, when I take nature and macro floral pictures, I feel like I am looking closely into the place where God's mind is. I feel awed by the colors, shapes and fragrances of a garden.  And I feel one with Jesus who also liked a garden when he desired to pray. 
Once when the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, he responded with the Lord's Prayer. But when it neared the time for him to go to the cross, he carried these disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane and asked them to pray with him.  He wanted their prayer support.  Did you ever try to get your kids to pray along with you. They fidget, and moan, and fall asleep. Just like the disciples did.  I wonder if Jesus had hoped the Garden would inspire them to see The Father and Creator in this place. Well they were bored. Or maybe so tired they couldn't help but fall asleep. Can't fault them for that. So what it boils down to, is that the Garden is where you take yourself to find a oneness with The Father. Each of us, I suppose must find our place that most fits for inspiration. For Jesus, it was the Garden of Gethsemane.
I've made some gardens in my life. But getting into them often enough to conduct regular sessions of prayer... well that's tough.  Between kids and animals and husbands with mowers...it is also tough to keep. So this shall be my prayer garden. I will build a journal of prayers and answers sometimes, amidst pictures I take of flowers, birds and bugs, or anything that inspires me to pray and thank God that he is the author of everything. Today...I just want to thank Him for my Prayer Garden. And while I am here, I will remember that he also prayed in a Garden Called Gethsemane.  "Lord, help me not to fall asleep during the important times. Amen"

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