Thursday, October 11, 2012

Im Content

I look back over the last 2 years and I think of all the changes in my life, and that of those near me, and I am thankful that all the negatives have not discouraged me.  I give credit to God for allowing that to be true, but I also give a lot of credit to Blogging.  Not only has writing things down been a blessing, it has been a means of connecting to others, of guiding my walk, of finding encouragement, and of growing in Christ.  I laugh when I ask my children, to make sure the nurses, who are in charge of my care as I grow senile, ask something other than what day it is. If it were not for blogs I would forget the days.  But it helps me to focus on Christ in so many ways as well.  Each day I am reminded of his nearness in new ways.  I am able to believe as when I was a child, with greater ease, the promises of his word, and I am able to not become bogged down in things that would otherwise take my focus from so great a savoir! 
I begin early asking for my toddler grandson's salvation, and for my teenage grandson's  attention to God's will for his life as he focuses on finishing school.  For my adult step-grndsons, I pray for newness, and direction, and relationship with God for family life they are planning.  And for my step gr. grandson, I pray he will continue to seek God as he does with child-like faith.  I want to see God working in new ways in the lives of all around me.  My prayers may not be the great movers in lives around me, but I trust that Jesus will honor His promises if I will come into agreement with him.  May his Grace abound to anyone who happens to stumble into my little garden.  Let us always remember, that God actually is the ONE in control.

Jesus help me serve you with all the joy and faith that is possible for one individual.  Not that I am capable, but that your Spirit is and I wish to allow your power to be fully employed by every ounce of my being. AMEN 

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