Sunday, January 13, 2013

Peace Like A River

Now that I can't upload photos from my computer to my blog, it is disheartening to blog.  The pictures I take are often my inspiration, and are always a part of what is going on for me. I think you can tell I like bold colors or contrasts from the back ground on this blog.  But I also like soft colors, but am not liking the trend toward bland.  Everything on a white background with an occasional picture here and there, sends me into a child-like mode of looking only for the pictures and skipping the text.  I usually read a few words and click away from the site. I also don't like being sent to a bunch of places that I can't get back from.  So, I just text here, from my heart.  It is my journal...of how I grow in the Lord's timing.. That's all.
Lately, I have been in a come what may mode.  It is better than stressing on what I often cannot change.  I resist change anyway, but change is happening faster than I can comprehend sometimes, so I am resigned to allow God to be the manipulator of my circumstances.  I am selecting my choices, and my battles very carefully.  Not all is well, but is it ever?  I just have peace, and am glad to be in a place of peace. 
I used to sing one of my favorite songs, at home alone and sometimes when called to the front of church. 
The words go something like this:

"I  have peace like a river, I have peace like a river, I have peace like a river in my soul."
Second verse:
"I have love like a river... etc.
and the third:
I have joy like a river...etc.
With children we would sing it one more time saying Peace, Joy, Love like a river, very quickly.

The Lord knows my needs and I have a few.  So I pray that I can rejoice soon at his provision for my needs. And in the mean time, I just stay parked in Peace.

Lord bless me in this place of peace.  I ask you to fill my needs, and I reserve the desires of my heart til the day that they will not infringe upon someone I love having peace as well. AMEN

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