Friday, September 30, 2011


My key board is a blessing to me. Is it merely a coincidence that there are a lot of 2's involved in playing it?
A Bible word that puzzled me as a child was the word Blessing, or Blessed.  People always pronounced it Bless - ed. To so many, the blessings of God revolve around physical and financial needs being met, but after closer examination, I found it not to be so true with God.  Instead,  blessings were assurances that what one has done or expects to do with life is going to be successful in some way. For example, the well known Beattitude: Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted.  Not a reward, but a result.  A lot of God's words of instruction are about a result or a consequence of the initial action.  Blessing is just such a word describing the result of many actions of men in the history of the Bible.

I have studied the numbers in the Bible for years.  Some time in my early teens, the number 7 became my favorite.  I didn't know at the time that all the Bible numbers came with a significant meaning. And in the many years since, I had not come across anything that made the meaning of the number "2" clear to me.  I had been told by a wise educator that 2 meant Blessing, but I couldn't quite make the connection. But lately, God is emphasizing that truth every way I turn.

Let us begin with the fact that he gave us two hands and two feet.  We are a species which is primarily bipedal.  There are very few species that are able to function, using thier hands to accomplish so much with such dexterity. The use of our hands can be an element of our becoming successful.  But the scriptures make specific note of our hands, when it mentions in several locations, that when we worship and pray, the result of being blessed in our souls is that we lift our hands in praise.  It doesn't say how high, but it is a natural thing for many people.  You almost want to reach to Heaven as if you are accepting God's hug.  I am not a hand lifter for the most part, but I have been blessed sometimes by others who were.

In Noah's ark were built accommadations for all the animals to be brought in two by two.  In this case the blessing would be when these two of any species saved had opportunity to reproduce and thereby the world would be blessed.  Even the fact that it takes two humans to make increase in the human population, alludes to the blessing of family, increase and continued existance of our own species. It is also true that God wished that marriage would be something he considered worth blessing. This concept is not limited to marriage, however.  Scripture says for example that where two or more are gathered in prayer, He is in the midst of them.  It also says that where two are agreed, then there can be expectation of an answer being forthcoming.  There are many more illustrations of relationship pairings when God blessed the love that kept those relationships strong, healthy, and blessed.  David and Jonathan come to mind.

In Old Testament tradition, we read of fathers who "blessed" an oldest son. This was a unique twosome relational blessing that holds pictures of the realationship between God the Father, and God the Son - Christ.  There is a book that could be written to expound that particular example, but it is the one example that holds the most value to us. It is a picture of how God wants to bless us with His own belongings. The things he made with his Proverbial hands. God created heaven and earth with a specific  mental picture in mind of what He intended to do with this earth.  It was prepared for us. He owns it all, but gifts us with anything on this earth we can figure out how to use.  And as with the story of the prodigal son, he doesn't dictate whether we use it wisely or unwisely.  If we destroy our gifts, He still accepts us because it is the relationship which he holds dear above the material value of what He has given us. The one on one relationship, between just two beings, is the spiritual law that God indowed with blessing. 

The exact opposite is thereby true.  The commandment of "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" is an extention of the Law of Twos.  If we put other things or "Gods" before Jaweh, Jehovah God = the one true God, then the relationship is watered down. The blessings are dissolved.  One God plus one child of God equals blessing.  The uniqueness of it being a supernatural pairing, is that it can be unique to every Child of God. All Christians can be blessed by a one on one relationship with God, as if they were the only Child on earth. Unlike earthly fathers whose resources are limited, there is no such thing with God. God wants you to be assured that it is the relationship with you, a singular person, that is His objective. This means you are highly prized in His eyes. If that doesn't bless you, then you haven't met my God - the one true God.

On the second day of creation, God divided something by two, for the earth's greater good. I challenge readers to look it up.  It involves H2O and what's between it.  What a huge blessing for our future environment. Without this first 2 on the second day, we could not have lived on this earth. This is called the first mention. Even the days of the week involve God's blessing. I can really take this to depths----the evening and the morning were the first day. but it also began day 2.

Next time you are blessed, think about the number two, and ask God if there is a definite reference to the "2" in your situation. Think, "Did this success, or feeling of accomplishment involve developing a realtionship of some sort?  Was it a gift from someone or God himself?"   Can you see the number two in any aspect of your blessing? 

Ever wonder if your blessing is a result of God's blessing, or has Satan drawn you into a false hope? Check out the relationships you have formed. Not the blessings you received.  If the relationships are possessive, or demanding, or taking from you rather than adding to you, then you are probably not within the unwritten  Law of Two.

The next time you feel blessed, or are seeking God's hand on an endeavor, think about the number two. See if it applies to something God is telling you.  Don't manipulate your numbers, but ask God if He has a two that will help you see His path.  Don't be surprised if He shows you one.

Lord, not everyone will be blessed by knowing something about the laws you put in place reguarding  the numbers. Maybe someone who loves mathematics will see automatically how, without the laws of God in place, many things would not exist.  Maybe someone will see that without harnessing and learning more about numbers, we would not be blessed with many of our modern conveniences, including, for all we Geeks, the computer.  I thank you for these things Lord. The many blessings on our modern lives -- Even our binomal language that makes computers possible.  Without a computer, I couldn't write this blog.  I thank you for sharing the value of the number two with me. And for all the blessings in my life.  Even comunication is an extention of first one person speaking to at least one person. And in this case, the blessing of prayer, is all about my being able to talk to you. And knowing that you hear me. Therefore it involves two. Praise your name. You are the Alpha and Omega...loving that it is another two...LOL Jesus! Amen

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