Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How To Know God Is In It - Part 3

 The more someone who is over you lords over you, the less they are walking in the Spirit of God.  This is a good policy by which to gage politicians, marriage partners, and church pastors. It is also a gage for parents and teachers.  God created us with an innate ability to increase in so many ways when allowed to make choices.  We have reasoning skills, and response skills.  They are both God given.  So, for example, a good business practice is for a manager to give some liberty to employees to make some valuable choices for the company. 

 I worked for a company once that practiced this.  The risk was that as we allowed our employees to grow in this way within the company, they became so good at their jobs and productiveness, it was recognized by clients. As a result we were always losing employees to other businesses. When asked, I always advised that, before leaving, our employee should determine if the company to which they were going, was also a company committed to an employee’s growth, not just their own profits. We sometimes found that our competitors would promise our employee unreal  amounts of money to leave us.  Not long after hire, they would drop this employee. Citing reasons such as: our productive employee did not adapt to a more subjective, profit oriented goal system, or the company suddenly  could not afford them. Often they had ignored the employee’s growth. It was obvious to our management that some of these people were drawn away in hopes of affecting our productivity and sales. 
 The one thing our competitors didn’t bank on, was that our whole team was being trained, all the time, to be always moving toward being better than they were. So someone was always able to move into the space left by an employee who moved on.  We were never hurt at all.  One of our strengths was to build our people.  That is God-like.  And God blessed it. On occasion we took such an employee back and were glad to get them.   
The parallel is like a Christian who is led away by Satan’s wiles, and finds themselves in a world of empty promises, and returns in hope to walk in God’s freedom. This wayward child then comes to realize that God also gives freedom to make both the good and bad choices and continues to open His arms for any who return. He will lovingly continue to be the foundation for our growth, even at the risk of losing us to Satan’s worldly ploys. That He receives us back, even after being drawn away by Satan’s deciepts, confirms that He allows us to learn from it. 
We would feel more protected if He would not allow us to go roaming, but we would revolt to being hemmed in to His boundaries.  It is built into our character, like unconditional love is built into His.  And these opposites seem to complement one another.  God desires willing subjects.
My next entry talks a little more about that unconditional love. Ck back for my final thoughts on this subject til the Lord shares more. 
Lord, The realization that I can ask myself, is this more like God or Satan, and know right away if I am in your will or being led away by misguidance was so freeing. It is most interesting to me to know that freedom came when I stopped trying to judge if I was doing what you most wanted me to, not by checking in on your laws, but on your character.  If I can find how best to emmulate your image, or allow you to shine through me, then I am in your will.  So much easier. And much like you.  Help me remember when I am being led astray.  So love you dear Jesus!!! AMEN

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