Sunday, September 18, 2011

Totally the God WE NEED

The more we are able to see ourselves as in the image of God, the more clearly we will see ourselves as a reflection of Him when we find ourselves mirrored in His word.  The great risk however, is that when we fall short, fail to mirror God in some way, and have previously been so bold as to emulate Christ publically, verbally, wholeheartedly….then Satan is quick to declare loudly, publically, wholeheartedly how very much we have mirrored his evil instead. He delights in showing the world when we have failed, for he is self-seeking, in no way wishes to promote us for our benefit, much less God’s. The secondary risk is that the more you emulate God, the more people judge you by what they think God is. In other words, they put you on a pedestal of expectations, and when you fall short in their eyes, they seldom consider if you fell short in God’s eyes. An example would be that my mother always thought that if she called the church for someone to come by and help her pray about something, she fully expected the pastor to be the one who came.  If it wasn’t the pastor, she judged him as failing to do what she thought God expected him to do as her pastor, and she never liked that church the same again.  This is an obvious example. Most are more subtle, but friendships often fail because of expectations.  Parent/children relationships fail because of expectations.  As a person who publicly professes Christ, it is a risk that Satan loves to take advantage of. I have learned that I must not try to suit everyone else, but only Christ, then, cling to that no matter what.
 If you can ever see more clearly what the character of Satan is, then know that the character of God is just the opposite.  On the surface, it may appear to be a copy of something distinguishing God, but look closely and you will see that it is the opposite of God’s intent. Even the most subtle of Satan’s lies will manipulate us to unwittingly serve him instead of God. Our Savoir wants us to know without a doubt that we are one with Him and are free each day to choose to be more like Him. Not like Satan aspiring to be a god, but like Christ aspiring to be one with God.  Know the difference.
God gave us laws and commandments, then gave us permission to break them, and then held us accountable when we did, and then paid the penalties even unto death for our breaking them. Then He let us choose whether we still “go to jail (hell)” or not.  Can’t He just make up His mind? What’s all this about?  It’s called: UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
There is therefore, now no condemnation, to them who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1 
No condemnation, No comdemnation, No condemnation, No condemnation, No Condemnation,.....None!!!!!!!!!!! 
Father, Help me not  view my world through the eyes of those who will find reason to call me on my failures, and accuse me of Christian infidelity because I fall short in their eyes. Thank you for allowing me to be human, and continuing to love me undcontionally.  With no condemnation. In Jesus, AMEN

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