Thursday, June 9, 2011

Cast Thy Bread Upon the Waters

As a child I thought casting bread on the water was the silliest scripture. (Ecclesiates 11:1) I simply could not imagine any reasonable spiritual application from such a silly saying.  On My Wings Are Made of Faith, Friday of this week, my blog speaks of how having a voice, no matter how small in our eyes, is a voice nonetheless. Speaking in meekness is not weak. When it has the power of God behind it, we can't imagine what miracle God is able to do with it. 

Jesus' parables of The Sowing of the Mustard Seed & the Lord of the Harvest, were examples of how if we plant a small idea, share a verse, speak softly when someone is many little tiny things we can do or say that will be someone's first contact with the Love of God.  Scripture itself says it will not return void, so if we put it out there, it is going to do it's job, be planted in someone's heart or mind.

The importers,, offer a cute little basketry item that is the very image of what we should think of when we think meek Sheep.  It has long curly horns. LOL   When i put Meek Sheep into Google search, this is what I got. So cute!!!

A very practical example of how one small voice is heard is in our democratic voting.  If, not one person casts their very small vote, there cannot be a million persons who speak in a very loud voice. The command of Christ to go into all the world to share the gospel was a one person speaking in a small voice kind of command to grow.  If each one wins one, then the growth is exponential.

Many of the Bible's parables portray examples of the law of increase. Early in the Book of Genesis God says to be fruitful and multiply. Jesus told stories to explain that if a seed is planted, after a nurturing amount of time, it will prosper within the cycle of rebirth, or renewal. It is important to add time to the mix. Waiting is another precept; time is an element of getting a harvest or making a profit. It just is.

In my story in "Wings", I hoped to illustrate an example, how as a young person, God taught me that He has ways of confirming to us, even years later, that our very meek offering to the "bread upon the waters" venture  will  pay off someday. The return may in fact not benefit us directly.  But the joy, encouragement, and satisfaction I got from just knowing, that "casting my bread upon the waters" was fruitful, was a memory that was valuable beyond gold. I learned something about God. His existence and reality was affirmed. To know God is working in your life and have affirmation is about my relationship with Him.  It is Him saying: "I love you, and I will bless your endeavors." It feels like a big HUGG from the loving Heavenly Father that He is.

Lord, I really have to have faith that writing these posts is a casting bread on the waters kind of endeavor. I hoped that one day my children would benefit from reading something from their mother's heart. I will leave it up to You to share it to the heart who needs encouragement. There is someone out there in cyberspace who casts their bread upon the waters, in faith with prayer, who longs to see your blessing.  Give them a peek Lord. Let them see you in what they are doing. "Hugg" them a little in Jesus name.  AMEN
Click on Hugg above to download a copy of or play The Gaither Vocal Band's song "BREAD UPON THE WATER" which reminds us to keep on casting our bread upon the water. Enjoy.

Joy to all,
and remember to:
"Cast your bread upon the waters:
for thou shalt find it after many days." 
Ecclesiastes 11:1

Other great resources:

Maze of the parable of the mustard seed for kids.

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