Monday, June 13, 2011

So Glad Jesus Comes Looking

An Old hymn called - "I Will Sing the Wondersous Story", in its second verse, says: "I was lost but Jesus found me, found the sheep that went astray, Threw His loving arms around me, drew me back into His way."

The picture Christ elaborated upon, of the 23rd Psalm, in which we are the Sheep and our "Savoir" is the Shepherd is one Christ knew we would need if we found ourselves in a mess far from God's best path for our lives. I am so glad he comes looking for us. And I am so glad that he never rejects us for having strayed.  A shepherd sees his sheep valuable no matter what. No matter the condition of where he finds us, or the distance we've strayed from the path we started on with Him. He just throws his loving arms around us, and draws us back into his care. 
In this scenario, Satan is the ravaging animal who hopes that we wander into sin, so he can eventually devour us.  It is never so bad that we wander away, as that Satan gets his claws in us.  Not because Christ deserts us because of our sinfulness, but that we just keep exposing ourselves to an ever waiting predator.   Even at that, the most he can do is devour a sheep that belongs to God.  Even if we wander out into our own demise...we still are the precious property of the Shepherd....always ready to throw His loving arms around us and carry us home. Satan will never own the soul that the shepherd paid for with His own blood.

It may not always be as much fun hanging with the sheep as adventuring beyond the fold, but at least there is a mighty hunter as our guide, who protects us from anything higher on the food chain waiting to destroy our lives.                                                

Words for the  song “I Will Sing the Wondrous Story,” are from the Broadman Hymnal, copyrighted in 1940 by Broadman Press of Nashville, TN.  Written by FH Rowley and Peter P. Bilhorn, this song was originally copyrighted in 1914, and owned by the Nazarene Publishing House. 

“Yes, I’ll Sing the Wonderous Story.  Of the Christ Who Died for ME,”  (from the chorus) pg. 377.
Jesus is in the Business of Making sure we are safe from our sin.  See more
on the subject at

Thank you Lord for continually looking for me when I stray, and for helping me clean and decorate my Heart House. Help anyone who fears that once they've faltered into sin -  whether they are far from the fold, or they just have a house needing renewal - help them know without a doubt that they still were bought with a price, and the shepherd isn't selling. Help them feel the total security of knowing you are the one keeping us. We are absoulutely not able to escape sin without your help.
Help people put sin in the box where it belongs.  Under the veil of the blood. AMEN

If we've asked Him ~
We Belong To Him,  He Lives within US.
Nothing can change that!

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