Monday, December 3, 2012

I am working on a web page that sort of brings the last several years of my attempt to learn a new skill together.  It summarizes the work I have done and in  way shows the progress I have made from the amatuerish learning stages to the slightly more refined stage of knowing a little about what I am doing. In life I always find that my expected goal is never my actual end goal, but find that goals are helpful in giving direction. It's kind of like I use the GPS to get me near my expected bird spot, but after that we turn it off, and we use our eyes to look for the birds.  Life is often like that. Once you get to where you were going along a planned route, you remain open for a new plan, or you look at the world of possibilities for doing a variety of things in that expected place. So many things in life are routine with an expected end that we sometimes miss the joy in discovery. My husband and I look forward to a vacation now and then.  We have spent a lot of his vacation time centered around a hospital. Because the only time off he had to have heart attacks and heal was his vacation time. So our favorite kind of vacation is when we go birding.  We ususally have target bird, target places, and target times to be at a certain habitat, (like be in at a spot before dawn.)  But beyond that we like to see the area for what it is.  Let it share it's treasures with us.  If we miss our target bird, we and that is all we expected from the trip, we would come away disappointed. But by going there, with a target, optimizing the time and habitat expectations, and being open minded, observant, and patient, we come away with so much more.  Often we see a bird we didn't target but have never seen before! How can that leave you disappointed? In everything in life, we must leave the expectations or results in a state of flux.
 I totally understand the importance of things having conclusion and working toward exacting goals at critical times. A  wedding should start on time if possible for example. Movie stunts and surgery could be disasterous without the intensity of focusing on the exacting of the process.  That isn't what I mean here. I am saying that if God is taking you on a journey, in every way follow his lead, but be wide eyed to the things he wants to show you along the way, and open to him showing you more about yourself and your future than you first expected. Or if like me, you have spent a lot of time learning a skill and you had an expectation of where God was leading you, and when you arrive God has something else in mind, be ready to follow, for you are going on a new adventure.

Thank you Lord, For new adventures.  Can't wait to see where you are taking me. Your loving child.  AMEN

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