Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving, my favorite time of year...

I don't exactly know why Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, but it is. I love the smell of the foods cooking, and I actually love cooking it, but I love it traditionally the way my MOM cooked it.  I don't like changing it up much.  Some of my favorite foods, are now some of the foods that I can't or shouldn't eat.  The health thing gets in the way the older you get.  Shouldn't have the fruit salad I love more than any food in world, the dressing and gravy that we make with so much sage it's green in color.  The pumpkin pie, pecan pie  or sweet potatoes with nuts and marshmellows... But I do love the turkey...I so look forward to at least eating some turkey.  But now they want to fry it, marinate it, or stuff it with unfamiliar flavors and unless I cook one just for me... no warm turkey smelling up my kitchen fresh from the oven.  So, the one thing left is to be with family..and I am going to focus on being thankful for that.  It wouldn't matter, I am just plain thankful for so much. One or two years ago, there was so much I was fearful that we would have lost by now.  Now we are on the other side of the losses and I have lived through the fears as we lost loved ones and friends, and God allowed that a number of other things were not lost, and I just feel content. I am thankful to be content.  I am blessed to be content.  I have a new grandson, who amazes me everyday, and that alone is BIG in the things to be thankful for.  I just want to have some fun this thanksgiving.  To enjoy the day.  I want to celebrate the fact that each day I wake and there are still things that I want to do.  Just knowing I don't have to do them, I just can if I want to is something I am thankful for.  No demands, or quandries about how do I juggle it all.  Just get up and plan my day. Pray, or write or do art a little and accomplish something I was looking forward to doing and hadn't gotten around to.  I have begun to dream a little again. Something I had put on hold I guess.  That's a marvelous freedom.  I am thankful for the God who walks with me every minute, a savoir, a friend, a companion, a provider.  And once again I am reminded that I am content. 
I wish a few things had gone differently in the last year or two.  But I give that to Jesus.  There is a quietness that overcomes me when I am in this special place of being content. People often think I am mad who are around me, because I am ususally quiet.  But that's just it. My soul is quiet. No noise in my head or anxiousness in my heart. Just quiet. My favorite place to be.  A stillness in my emotions. And for that I am thankful.
I have a lot of needs, but tomorrow I refuse to think about all I need, but rather to celebrate the things God has not taken away.  And that's a lot. 

Lord, I wasn't sure what you intended to do in my life a short while back.  I still don't see the plan in some areas.  But where I am, is just fine as long as you are here to give me this marvelous contentment. Thank you, AMEN

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